Sticky Betty is a great believer in using up leftovers and Spicy Stir Fry Vegetables is one of her favourite ways to make sure nothing goes to waste.  It’s one of those very forgiving recipes where if you haven’t got one thing, you can use something else instead.  No noodles?  No problem – any kind of cooked pasta will do.  No pasta?  Try using cooked rice, quinoa, couscous or potatoes.  

This is how Sticky Betty does it

Slice uncooked vegetables like onion, peppers, mushrooms and/or courgette.  You can even use an apple if you want.

Put a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a wok, frying pan or big saucepan and place over heat.  Add the uncooked vegetables and stir around the base of the pan until they start to soften.

Add any cooked leftover vegetables and stir them in.  The only things that Sticky Betty doesn’t use is mashed potatoes as they stick to the base of the pan and she’s not a big fan of spending hours washing up.  

Next stir in some cooked noodles or pasta.  Add a couple of tablespoons of water, a tablespoon of brown ketchup and a tablespoon of sweet chilli sauce and stir until everything in the pan is coated.  

Serve hot with a salad or a nice chunk of bread.   In the unlikely event that it isn’t all eaten, Sticky Betty says to tell you that it makes a lovely sandwich filling for the next day’s lunch.    

Written By:

Maria Lalic